Insects that are searching for host plants may be activated by olfactory stimuli, and as a result will show directed movements toward the odor source. 正在寻找寄生植物的昆虫,可以被嗅觉刺激所激活,从而直接飞向气味来源。
Basic neurophysiology teaches us that olfactory neurons are not myelinated, effectively potentiating perception and processing of these kinds of stimuli. 基础神经生理学告诉我们,嗅觉神经元不是有髓鞘的,它有效促进感知和处理这些类型的刺激。
Durations of olfactory response increased with the increase in stimuli concentrations. No changes were found in gustatory response durations. 嗅觉反应的反应持续时间随浓度升高呈指数上升趋势,味觉反应不具有这种趋势。
Olfactory waveforms reversed at certain concentrations and reversal waves of different stimuli appeared at different concentrations. 嗅觉反应波随刺激物浓度的升高到一定浓度具有波形翻转现象,不同刺激物出现翻转波时的浓度不同。